Sunday, January 24, 2010

Our Life as Ducks

Esther's friend from high school, Tamara, gave us these adorable little ducks for a wedding present. She had been teaching in Korea, and these are a traditional Korean wedding gift. The one with the red bill represents the bride, while the greenbilled guy stands in for the groom.
Korean couples will display ducks like these in their homes. When they face each other like above, it means that all is well in the home and marriage. If the wife wants to let her husband know without words that she is unhappy--or if it is that time of month--she turns the redbilled duck so that she is facing away from her mate.
We decided that since these ducks represent us, and we were recently injured in a car crash, we would dress them up in bandages too. As you can see below, Esther's duck has hurt her arm, and poor Mark bumped his head.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Christmas Eve

All we did was sit and eat and watch and laugh. We were still frozen and half asleep from running out of gas the night before and sitting in the car on the side of the road in -25C for about 4 hours.
Aunty and Gracie. Both as cute as bugs on a rug (which doesn't really make sense when you think about it - why are bugs cute just 'cause they're on a rug? bugs are gross, but these gals are cute).

The hat is gone, and so is the smile. Why does no one look happy here? Right, Gracie's coming down from a sugar high.

Here we see Jeremy "the Blur" Jones. Gracie (and LA) are posers, but this boy won't sit still.

Unless he's playing with a toy - especially one that makes noise.

Only Daddy has the superpower to calm Jeremy. That's why he's got the 'S' on his hat.