Monday, July 20, 2009

KFGT Picnic

Every year, our church, Kamloops Full Gospel Tabernacle(KFGT), holds a picnic in the park. This year, we even had our service there. It was practically perfect weather: mostly sunny and warm, with clouds drifting across the sky and a slight breeze. The clouds and breeze were refreshing after the heat we've been having this summer so far.
Here's Mark hanging out with Rick, Anne, & Dwight.
My dad

They have a petting zoo at the park.
Mark really liked the llama.
We couldn't pet this guy, 'cause the fence wouldn't let us get close enough. Maybe he bites.
This is Teka.

1 comment:

  1. awwwwww...the chihuahua makes me miss my little guy....I always wonder how he is doing...
